Open Source Contribution - Release 0.2 Summary
My Contributions During Hacktoberfest 2018 I got involved with open-source development this September in order to gain valuable experience working with projects that are relevant to me as a software developer and explore the open-source community as a whole. I was fortunate because a month after I started, I learned about Hacktoberfest, which targets new contributors like me and helps them get involved with projects on Github. Throughout the month of October, my goal was to finish five pull requests that targeted different aspects of open-source. I've achieved my goal with a total of six pull requests (although I consider the 4th and 5th pull request as one because they essentially do the same thing on different directories). In addition to completing these pull requests, I made sure to write blogs about my progress. Summary of Contributions AlgoWiki AlgoWiki is a medium sized project, which focuses on collecting resources surrounding the field of artifici...